Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Teaser...Final Project

From Digital Art

This is a preview of my Final Project for Digital Imaging. We are required to create a Triptych (a work of three pieces of art relating to one subject). I'm sure you can all guess what it is, but I am very excited to finish this.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Block Printing

This is one of my new favorite mediums of art, but it is also one of the more difficult to make because it requires many hours of cutting and inking. But the results can be quite outstanding, plus the fact that you can recreate an amazing piece in seconds with your own linoleum block stamp. Here are few prints that I have made. The "V For Vendetta" mask and the "Carl Fredericksen" piece are for sale, since I have multiple prints of them, however, the Batman and Rorschach prints are not since I only have one print of each for now.

From Printmaking

From Printmaking

From Printmaking

From Printmaking

Paradise Falls

From Painting

Now if many of you don't know, I am a HUGE fan of any Pixar movie. My favorite by far is Toy Story, but UP is a VERY VERY CLOSE second. I just love all the beautiful animation in the movie, but I always enjoy the scene in the beginning when Ellie is painting Paradise Falls above their fireplace. So I thought I would take the chance to do the same. Now I didn't paint it above my fireplace, but rather on something easier such as watercolor paper. I can't say that this is an original piece, nor is it for sale, but I just wanted to show it to you and see what you all think of it. This is one of my favorite watercolor paintings :)

Hogwarts Castle

From Drawing

Now if you thought Sleeping Beauty's Castle was tough, let me introduce you to the other famous castle in our word today. Last July, I got the opportunity to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando. Seeing Hogwarts Castle standing off in the distance, looming over the whole area was just amazing. The detail on this entire place was surreal and it felt like you WERE ACTUALLY THERE. I took a picture of all of Hogwarts so I would never forget it. I decided to test myself yet again and draw Hogwarts Castle in Ink and Marker and I enjoyed how this one came out as well.


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Sleeping Beauty's Castle

From Drawing

I love Disneyland and everything in it. Going to Disneyland so much over my life makes it feel like a second home to me. I can go there with an annual pass and just relax if I want to. Ride my favorite rides, eat an awesome lunch, or just read a good book with the sounds of roller coasters in the background. I decided to really push myself into drawing a tough subject: the castle at Disneyland. This was tough because it was freehanded with pen and ink, and then colored over with marker. At first, I didn't want to do it because I thought it would look terrible, but I persisted and it came out looking great! Definitely one of the best drawings I have ever done.


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Deathly Hallows

From Digital Art

I am a big Harry Potter fan and I thought I would make this simple, but effective poster promoting, mainly, the last movie (Deathly Hallows Part 2) which will come out on July 15th! I can't believe it is going to be over!


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She & Him

From Digital Art

I am just a huge fan of this group, led by actress Zooey Deschanel. She is my celebrity wife...just thought I would point that out.


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From Digital Art

I created this print expressing my feelings about how many people feel towards art today. People don't like to go to galleries anymore because they believe that they have to be some high-brow intellectual who knows exactly what a painting is. My opinion is completely different. I am still intimidated by galleries, but the beauty of art is that it is all about interpretation. There should not be any right or wrong. It is all about what YOU feel, not what SOMEONE ELSE feels.


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Mad Men

From Digital Art

This is my first art post that I will put up for you all. This is an original piece that I made based off the show "MAD MEN" on AMC.

18x24 Print

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Art Blog!

Hello everyone! I just created this new blog in order to have a place to add all of my artwork from now on. I still need to get a handle on how to keep all of the work separate and easy to find if you aren't one who likes searching through pages and pages of the blog. So bear with me as I eventually figure this out. Over time, each new piece of artwork will be posted onto the blog, but will also be archived into its proper page, depending on what type of piece it is: Computer design, drawing, or painting.